Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Publishing/Leadership Project: Post 2

I am somewhat of a late bloomer with the publishing and leadership project but I think I have picked 3 potential venues.

My main focus is to be published. I think this is the best option for my professional goals.

#1 choice: International Journal of Education & the Arts. I have printed out the requirements and am preparing my article to submit.

#2 choice and back up plan: Educational Technology Research and Development online journal

I would also like to apply to present at the next Ohio Art Education Association OAEA conference which will be held next November. I am a member of this association and would like to be more involved with my state's developments in art education.

I am very optimistic about these choices!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that you are member of OAEA. Your research would be a great addition to a conference like this one. You could even present some of the information from the website we created in EDE. It's exciting to realize that we actually have a voice that can affect change on a broader level. Good luck with everything!
