Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 4: Response to Patti

I really enjoyed your association with these last chapters and the sense of religion in your life. I definitely can see the connection and agree that there are many similarities in the messages presented in the book and also through religion about a person's outlook on life and how they should act towards others.

I attended a Catholic school as a child and now teach in a public school. Sometimes I miss the mix of faith with education. There are many benefits to living a christian life and teaching through faith based approach. I admire what you do with your students.

Patti's original post:

Wk 4- Reading Comment-Possibility Ch.10-12
In a way I'm sad that I've read the last chapters. I feel Ben and Rosamund have become my friends. I've enjoyed our weekly exchanges and have gleaned their wisdom as a hungry participant invited to their delicious feast. If you haven't read it yet- "The Art of Possibility" is insightful and visionary.
The chapters on "Being the Board" "Creating Frameworks for Possibility" and "Telling the WE story", reminds me of the frame of mind that Christians should have.In , "Being the Board" it's about the framework in which we view our life and relationships. It's not about you, it's all about relationship. We create the possibility of spiraling down or building someone up. First in our relationship to Christ and his Word, then to others whom He loves ( and that is all inclusive).We are a representation of that love, possibly the only "Bible" they will ever read. It flows from Him to everyone, but it can only be received in relationship.It's like a beautifully wrapped gift, you might admire it, but unless you open it, you'll never realize the cost and beauty of the gift that is given.
People look at religion as something that divides and brings guilt and bondage. When in fact, like Rosamund said, "it is not a standard to live up to, but a framework of possibilities to live into". If we see it through the framework of other people's "impressions" , it's not truly ours. We have to own it for ourselves. The term "We" points to a relationship , not an individual, this phrase illustrates a beautiful way to frame Christianity. We cannot know the person, or release the possibilities of the relationship, until we see ourselves as part of the relationship. It cannot be experienced from the outside or alone.Then the phrase," We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not in some of us, it's in everyone. And if we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same". This is one of the reasons why I love teaching in a Christian school. I'm free to talk about God without fear of reprisal or contempt. I can look for the divine spark in each child and if they share it with me- then WE get to grow and mature into the talented creative people, WE were meant to be. It's all about relationships.
The positive insights from Ben and Rosamund were remarkably visionary and refreshing. I'll be looking for other books from them.

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