Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 4: Project update, Publishing-part 3

I met with a small group earlier this week to review my action research and present an article that I plan to publish. While I didn’t receive a copious amount of feedback there was no negative response. The progress of my article is good. I will need to review and rearrange some vocabulary so that it is more academic sounding and less personal. I also should add a brief statement about my publishing plan on my action research website and perhaps consider one more visual aid.

Overall I think my action research site is almost complete. I am in the process of uploading my videos through viddler so that they do not take a long time to load on the website. The only think left is to revise my cycle reports to follow the recommended format.

Here is a link to the International Journal of Education and the arts.
International Journal of Education and the Arts

Here is a link to my article:
Expectations of the Net Generation

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