Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 3 Reaction: Steve Mohler

I am glad to hear that I am not alone in the struggle over publishing or presenting and couldn’t agree with you more about being undecided. The results of my action research were not what I expected and therefore I am not sure that they would make a very exciting presentation. I like your ideas about finding a magazine or journal more specific to your topic for publishing. The point of this publishing project is to take the next huge leap of faith with your research and professional credibility. My opinion is that publishing might be the most successful way to go.

Link to Steve's original post
Wk3 Publishing/Leadership Project Part 1 of 3: Thoughts
I am not really sure which way to go with the project proposal. I am not sure I have enough good material to present and I am apprehensive about the writing of a paper for publication. I think that perhaps I will explore the possibility of submissions to journals such as Music Educators Journal, TIME, and The Journal of Music Research. Although I feel my action research project was not a real success in the manner I had hoped for, it may prove helpful to someone struggling with similar circumstances or thoughts of exploration.

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